Vieste – Foggia Gino Lisa Airport Shuttle Bus Timetable

Here are the timetables of the shuttle bus service that connects Foggia Airport to Vieste, active from 8 June to 3 October 2024. This service offers a comfortable and convenient connection for travellers, with several daily trips.

It is possible to buy tickets online on the site Cotrap and the website of Marozzi.

A comfortable transfer service to and from Foggia airport is also available Dirodi Bus and NCC Gargano

Important Note

Hours  undergo variations, therefore travelers are recommended to always check the updated timetables directly on the companies' websites. This service is designed to offer comfortable and stress-free transport between Vieste and Foggia airport, facilitating travel for tourists and residents. Don't miss the opportunity to travel conveniently and comfortably. Have a good trip!

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