
Popular music in the Gargano

Vieste is also rediscovering its ancient musical tradition made up of verses handed down verbally, triplet rhythms, beating guitars that sing simple chords of "ad personam" serenades, commissioned by young lovers to conquer the heart of a "beautiful young woman".
While the Salento has for years now valued its folk dimension with its popular music, the pizzica tarantata, of which it has made a great tourist attraction (see the night of the taranta), the Gargano has certainly exploited its music less from a media point of view, but also Vieste is recovering the very strong traditions by putting them on display.
The Gargano tarantella is one of the most beautiful and oldest traditional genres of southern Italy, sees as historical and main exponents the Cantori di Carpino of the late Antonio Piccininno (who died in 2016 at the age of 100) and Andrea Sacco.

Other exponents of the genre are the "Tarantula Garganica" and the folk group from Vieste "Pizziche e Muzzeche", which can be seen animating the traditional festivals of the Gargano town such as the Fanoja of San Giuseppe

The Tarantella of the Gargano

The structure of the Gargano tarantella is simple, based on the tercet, which makes this music somewhat of a popular waltz, danced not in the luxury palaces of debutantes, but by the communities of peasants and shepherds. The Gargano tarantella is played with the tambourine beaten with the fingertips on the swing guitar. To indicate the turns of chords, the players of the past used to associate them with the names of the towns in the area, thus we have a tarantella alla carpinese, one alla montanara (from MonteSant'Angelo), the rodianella, the viestsana and so on. Numerous critics and performers have taken an interest in the popular music of the Gargano, including the Americans Alan Lomax and Diego Carpitelli and the Neapolitans NuovaCompagniaCantoPopolare, Daniele Sepe and the Musicanovas of Carlo D'Angiò and Eugenio Bennato. Charles of Anjou declared in this regard:

« We began to search in Giugliano (north of Naples) having the first contact with the tarantella, which we would then continue to search throughout the south, until we identified what, in my opinion, is the highest, most mythical expression: that of the Gargano. We arrived in Carpino, with Roberto De Simone, in '70, and we were the first to collect the "Tarantelle del Gargano" »


Today traditions are handed down and evolve, but the emotion you feel while listening to these ancient love sonnets will always remain unchanged.
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Tarantella “alla muntanara”, performed by Pino de Vittorio.

Translation: This woman, what to do to make this woman fall in love?

I have to build her a rose garden, adorn it with precious stones and very delicate gold, in the center a spring from which clear water flows, above a singing bird.

My beauty sang and slept. For you I have become a bird, to dream next to you, beautiful lady.

Your step and your voice made me fall in love, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.

Ah, what does this angry girl want from me now? Your mother knows it and she wants to tell me too.

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Turismovieste.it is created by Diego Romano, Tourism Marketing

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