La Fanoja di San Giuseppe: the traditional Viestano bonfire

The Fanoja di San Giuseppe is a historical re-enactment of the traditional bonfire (Fanoja) lit in the nights close to the feast of San Giuseppe on March 19th. The folk group Pizzeche and Muzzeche has been organizing this traditional festival annually since 2011, which greets winter by warming hearts with dancing, singing, wine and lots of joy.
Over the years it has had exceptional guests, the excellence of local folk and internationally renowned musicians who have been able to combine tradition and innovation, including Eugenio Bennato, one of the "discoverers" of Gargano folk music.

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The choreographic staging that transforms the rotunda of the Marina Piccola  and other symbolic places in a representation of peasant life in 800th century Vieste, among farm animals, now disused work tools, typical dishes and traditions that are lost in the mists of time. The lighting of a gigantic pile of wood is the symbol of light, farewell to winter, awakening nature and hope. It's a way to demonize evil. The sacred and the profane merge, between ancient pagan traditions that survived in Christianity.


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