The Cacioricotta

iCacioricotta is one of the best known Apulian cheeses. Also in the Gargano there is a good production. The name is due to the production process which follows a heating of the milk (bovine or goat) up to a temperature of 80 degrees and a subsequent cooling up to a temperature of 37-38 degrees, at which time the (bovine or goat rennet) is added. . This process allows the coagulation of both the milk and the whey, respectively the basic products of cheese and ricotta.
After the curd is broken, it is put into molds and salted with the use of coarse salt.

You can taste this cheese, as well as the Caciocavallo podolico or other typical Vieste products in many restaurants, or buy it from one of the countless small shops of typical shops or at the local market at the end of Viale 24 Maggio.

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