The town hall of the Municipality of Vieste is located in Corso L. Fazzini 29, 71019 – Vieste and can be contacted by telephone on 0884/712211 or by fax on 0884/712248. It is also possible to send an email to or visit the website to obtain further information.
The ISTAT code of the Municipality of Vieste is 071060 and its tax code is 83000770715
Information on the Municipality of Vieste
Inhabitants and extension of the Municipality of Vieste
The municipality of Vieste has 13.459 (as of 31-8-2022) inhabitants and an area of 167,50 km2, with a density of about 83 inhabitants per km2.
Telephone area code and zip code of the Municipality of Vieste
The area code for Vieste is 0884 and its postal code is 71019.
Mayor of the Municipality of Vieste
The current mayor of the municipality of Vieste Vieste is Giuseppe Nobiletti, elected with the civic list #Vieste You are! in June 2016 and reelected in 2022.
Coordinates and municipal boundaries
The geographical coordinates of the municipality of Vieste are 41°53′N 16°10′E.
The municipality of Vieste borders some of the most beautiful towns in the region, including Mattinata, Monte Sant'Angelo, Peschici and Vico del Gargano.
More information on the Municipality of Vieste
Its patron saint is Santa Maria di Merino, whose public holiday falls on May 9.
The city of Vieste is classified as zone 2 for medium seismicity and zone C, 1 239 GG for climate. . Vieste's car license plate is FG and its time zone is UTC+1. The inhabitants of Vieste are known as "Viestani".