Vieste Bari Airport Shuttle Bus Timetables

Here are the timetables of the shuttle bus service that connects Bari Airport to Vieste.
Below are the active times from 8 June to 3 October 2024

A comfortable transfer service to and from the Bari airport is also available from Dirodi Bus and NCC Gargano


Departures from Bari Karol Wojtyla Airport
Timetable Departure from the airport Arrival time in Vieste
11.00 13.55
16.30 19.25
22.00 0.45
Departures from Vieste Piazzale Europa
Departure Time Vieste Arrival time at the airport
5.55 9.00
9.25 12.30
15.25 18.30

you can buy tickets online on the site Cotrap and the website of Marozzi.

NB. Times may be subject to change, please contact the companies directly.
See the complete timetable of the service Puglia Easy to Reach 

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